
校監 Academia Supervisor
劉炎新神父 Fr João Evangelista LAU Him Sang 

院長 Director
沈穎瑤 Basilla SAM Weng Io 
MFA (School of Visual Arts, New York), BFA (University of Iowa), DipABRSM

學院總務主任 Manager of General Affairs
馮紹榮 Wing FONG Sio Weng 

校務處 School Office
蘇文龍 John SO Man Long 
容詠茵 Cherrie IONG Weng Ian 


音樂名譽顧問 Music Consultant
林敏柔博士 Dr Margaret LYNN
EdD (Bristol), MMus (Surrey), BMus (Lond), ARCM, FTCL, LRSM

駐院藝術家 Artist in Residence
查海倫博士 Dr Helen CHA
DMA(Eastman), BMus (Hons) (HKAPA), FRSM, FTCL

駐院作曲家 Composer in Residence
阮慧玲博士 Dr Viola YUEN


鋼琴導師 Piano Teachers

李慧芬 LEI Vai Fan
MA in Music (BUHK), BFA in Music (NTNU)

區嘉莉 Emily AU Ka Lei
PhD candidate in Music- Piano Performance Practice & Pedagogy (Hong Kong Baptist University), MMus (Wright State University, USA), BMus (Wright State University, USA)

張琬彤 CHEONG Yuen Tung
BMus (China Conservatory of Music, Beijing), DipABRSM

梁鋕珉 Lucia LEONG Chi Man
Dip &Teacher’s Dip (Royal Conservatory of Music at Madrid, Spain)

陳穎莎 Charlotte CHAN Weng Sa
BFA in Music (NTNU), DipABRSM 

湯曦雯 Vicky TONG Hei Man
MMus (Kent State University), BMus (Wright State University)

黃嘉瑩 Joanna WONG Ka Ieng
MMus (HKAPA) BMus (Hons) (HKAPA)

劉心姸 SamIn LAO
MA in Music (Kingston University London), LRSM
Advanced Piano Teaching Certificate (Central  Conservatory of Music, China

劉康 LAO Hong
BMUS(Royal Northern College of Music)
MMus( Royal Northern College of Music)

龍志恆 Ray LONG Chi Hang
Artist Dip, MPerf (RCM), BMus (Hons) (RCM), FTCL

譚敏敏 TAM Man Man
BFA in Music (NTNU)

蘇詠恩 Carol SOU Weng Ian
Master of Music Therapy (Queensland), BFA in Music (NTNU), DipABRSM

Dip (Tashkent State Conservatory USSR)


小提琴導師 Violin Teacher

李芷晴 Charlene LEI Chi Cheng
MA in Interdisciplinary Arts (MPU), BFA in Music (MPU)

洪逸宇 HONG Iat U
BMus (Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing)

翁浩然 IONG Hou In
BMus (University of Cincinnati College Conservatory of Music)

張偉樑 Anthony CHEONG Wai Leong
MA in Interdisciplinary Arts (IPM), BMus (Hons), Dip (HKAPA)

陳凱琪 Hidy CHAN Hoi Kei
BFA in Music (NTNU), Teacher Education program (NTNU), International Orff Level III Course (San Francisco) 

陳嘉詠 CHAN Ka Weng
BFA in Music (MPI)

曾卓敏 CHANG Cheok Man
BMus (Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing), MMus (Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing)


大提琴導師 Cello Teacher

何川 HO Chun
MA in Music (University of Music and Performing Arts Graz, Austria)

梁俊恆 Daniel LEONG Chon Hang
ADip, BMus (Hons), Dip, Cert (HKAPA)

馮嘉欣 FONG Ka Ian
MA in Music Practical Teaching (University of Chichester), Bachelor in Music Education (MPU)



作曲導師 Composition

LEI Vai Fan 李慧芬


音感、樂理及視唱練耳導師 Musicianship, Theory and Aural Studies

陳凱琪 Hidy CHAN Hoi Kei

梁德貞 Filomena LEONG
BFA in Music (NTNU)

許佳怡 Mandi HOI Kai I
MMus (Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing), BMus (Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing)

許佳琳 Karen HOI Kai Lam
MA in Arts and Cultural Management (University of Melbourne)

馮嘉欣 FONG Ka Ian


管風琴導師 Organ Teacher

伍慕雪 NG Mo Suet

MPerf (Guildhall School of Music and Drama) 
MA (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
BA (Hong Kong Baptist Univeristy)
LTCL (piano), LTCL (organ), LMusTCL (theory), DipABRSM (Piano Teaching)