躍動的音符—學生音樂會 II



《音樂 .結伴》系列音樂會
躍動的音符—學生音樂會 II
2019. 07. 07 星期日|4:00 pm
Dom Pedro V Theatre

Duration: approximately 1 and 45 minutes, with intermission.




我們希望藉着是次音樂會,展示同學們在這一學年中努力學習的成果。演出者由不同程度的鋼琴和弦樂學生組成,曲目跨越三個世紀;當中還包括作曲班學生的兩首原創作品;更為欣喜的,現於美國紐約曼克頓音樂學院留學的校友Catarina Amaral亦參與演出。







A very warm welcome to our MusicFLOW Academia Students Concerts

The concerts are a celebration of the learning, progress and achievement of a wide cross-section of our students in the past year. You will hear young beginners right through to advanced students, on both the piano and strings, with music spanning over three centuries, and including original compositions by two students. We are also delighted that alumnus Catarina Amaral, who is now studying at Manhattan School of Music in New York, is taking part as well.

Our students’ successes are the results of not only their diligence and their determination to do the best they can, they also flourish under the guidance of their teachers and the support of their parents. We would like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to the teachers who have contributed so much to developing their students’ skills, confidence, knowledge and understanding, and to thank the parents for recognizing the value of music in life and supporting your child’s musical education.

These concerts would not have been possible without the generous support of the Macau Foundation, the Cultural Institute of Macau, the Orient Foundation, Dom Pedro Theatre, and Tom Lee Piano Company, as well as the many people working behind the scenes. A big thank-you to you all.

And now let the music begin!

 Academia de Música S. Pio X





中板 選自《三重奏鳴曲》,第一首  —  加洛 (c.1730-c.1792-6)
《布達佩斯》 — 切尼
大提琴:吳思澄 初階2
鋼    琴:徐樂家 中階1,鍾銘堅 (特邀樂手)


《快樂之地》 —  威爾斯 (b.1951)
大提琴:何諾軒 初階3
鋼    琴:鄭芷慧 (特邀樂手)


浦亞尼風格的前奏曲及快板   —  克萊斯勒 (1875-1962)
小提琴:何諾臻 中階2
鋼    琴:鄭芷慧


慢板 選自《小提琴無伴奏奏鳴曲及組曲》,第一首   —  巴哈 (1685-1750)
小提琴:李家祐 中階3


B小調間奏曲  —  施諾行 (b.2004)
鋼    琴:施諾行 高階4
大提琴:吳梓芬 (特邀樂手)

A大調奏鳴曲,作品100   —  布拉姆斯 (1833-1897)
小提琴:吳凱熙 高階2
鋼    琴:陳思敏 (特邀樂手)

B小調四重協奏曲   —  韋發第 (1678 -1741)
小提琴:黃鉦軒 中階2,李家祐 中階3,吳凱熙 高階2,Albert Abdulin
鋼    琴:游凱楠 高階4


聖詠 選自清唱劇《聖則濟利亞》 —  區師達 (1917 -1993) 改編歐家文
《奇妙救恩》 —  約翰.牛頓 (1725-1807) 改編湯姆林
《與主更親近》 —  馬遜 (1792 -1872)
D大調卡農曲 —  帕海貝爾 (1653 -1706)
鋼    琴:鄭芷慧




A大調行板,Hob. 1:53/11  —  海頓 (1732-1809)
胡曉柔 初階1


《洋娃娃之夢》 —  奧斯滕 (1813-1870)
潘盈希 初階2


《小巧的舞曲》  —  理希納 (1829-1898)
黃詠霖 初階3


《紡織之歌》  —  艾文埃舒 (1816-1905)
游凱澤 初階3


《少年曲集》,作品39   —  柴可夫斯基 (1840-1893)
曾子言 中階1


A小調圓舞曲,KK. IVb,第十一首  —  蕭邦 (1810-1849)
潘雨芊 中階1


C大調小奏鳴曲,K.283   —  莫札特 (1756-1791)
蘇進翎 中階1


E小調圓舞曲,遺作,第十四首   —  蕭邦
林愷晴 中階2


降A大調圓舞曲,KK. IVa,第十三首   —  蕭邦
呂鏵俊 中階3


D大調奏鳴曲,K.214   —  斯卡拉蒂 (1685-1757)
施諾言 高階2


A大調奏鳴曲,K.209   —  斯卡拉蒂
羅俊哲 深造1


C小調奏鳴曲《悲愴》,作品13   —  貝多芬 (1770-1827)
降A大調第三敍事曲,作品47   —  蕭邦
施諾行 高階4




7/7/2019 Sunday


Moderato from Trio Sonata, No.1   —   D. Gallo (c.1730-c.1792-6)
Budapesto  —  C. Cheney
Cello:Ng Si Cheng Elem. 2
Piano:Tsui Lok Ka Int. 1
Piano:Chong Meng Kin (Guest performer)


Happy Places  — T. Wells (b.1951)
Cello:Ho Nok Hin Elem.3
Piano:Cheang Chi Wai


Praeludium and Allegro in the style of Pugnani  —  F. Kreisler (1875-1962)
Violin:Ho Nok Chon Int. 2
Piano:Cheang Chi Wai


Adagio from Sonatas and Partitas for Violin, No.1  —  J.S. Bach (1685-1750)
Violin:Lee Ka Iao Int.3


Composition class
Intermezzo in B minor  —  Si Nok Hang (b.2004)
Piano:Si Nok Hang Hg. 4
Cello:Emily Ng (Guest performer)

Sonata in A, Op.100  —  J. Brahms (1833-1897)
3rd movement: Allegretto grazioso
Violin:Ng Hoi Hei Hg. 2
Piano:Chan Sze Man (Guest performer)

Concerto in B minor for four violins  —  A. Vivaldi (1678 -1741)
1st movement: Allegro
Violins:Wong Ching Hin Int.2,Lee Ka Iao Int. 3,Ng Hoi Hei Hg. 2,Albert Abdulin
Piano:Iao Hoi Nam Hg. 4


Chorale from Cantata Sancta Cecilia  —  Áureo Castro (1917 -1993) arr. A.Clement
Amazing Grace  —  J. Newton(1725-1807) arr. Chris Tomlin
Near My God to Thee  —  L. Mason (1792 -1872)
Canon in D  —  J. Pachelbel (1653 -1706)
Academia de Música S.Pio X Strings Ensemble
Piano:Cheang Chi Wai




Andante in A , Hob. 1:53/11  — J. Haydn (1732-1809)
Wu Hio Iao Elem. 1


Doll’s Dream  —  T. Oesten (1813-1870)
Melissa Brito da Rosa Pun Elem. 2


Danse Mignonne  — H. Lichner (1829-1898)
Wong Weng Lam Elem. 3


Spinning Song  —  A. Ellmenreich (1816-1905)
Iao Hoi Chak Elem. 3


Album for the Young, Op.39  —  P. Tchaikovsky (1840-1893)
No.5 March of the Wooden Soldiers
No. 18 Neapolitan Song
Chang Chi In Int. 1


Waltz in A minor, KK. IVb, No.11   — F. Chopin (1810-1849)
Pun U Chin Int. 1


Sonata in C, K.283  —  W.A. Mozart (1756-1791)
2nd movement: Andante
Sou Chon Leng Int. 1


Waltz in E minor, Op. posth. No.14  —  F. Chopin
Lam Hoi Cheng Int. 2


Waltz in Ab Major, KK. IVa, No.13  —  F. Chopin
Lui Wa Chon Int. 3


Sonata in D major, K.214  —  D. Scarlatti (1685-1757)
Si Nok In Hg. 2


Sonata in A major, K.209  —  D. Scarlatti
Lo Chon Chit Ad. 1


Pathetique Sonata in C minor, Op. 13  —  L. Beethoven (1770-1827)
1st movement: Grave
Ballade No.3 in A flat major , Op. 47  —  F. Chopin
Si Nok Hang Hg. 4



Academia de Música S. Pio X Strings Ensemble


小提琴 Violin
蘇進翎 Sou Chon Leng,黃鉦軒 Wong Ching Hin,蘇意翎 So Yi Ling,伍琛悅 Ng Sam Ut
伍卓盈 Ng Cheok Ieng,黃子玉 Wong Chi lok,謝詠遙 Che Weng Io,梁曉悅 Leong Hio Ut
何思言 Ho Si In,何諾臻 Ho Nok Chon,彭君陶 Pang Kuan Tou,李沛豫 Lei Pui U
李沛翹 Lei Pui Kio,陳政熹 Chan Cheng Hei,吳凱熙 Ng Hoi Hei,林家亨 Lam Ka Hang
李家祐 Lee Ka Iao,朱逸瑤 Chu Iat Io


大提琴 Cello
吳思澄 Ng Si Cheng,何諾軒 Ho Nok Hin
吳思妤 Ng Si U,Matilde G. R. de Carvalho dos Santos


低音提琴 Double bass
鍾銘堅 Chong Meng Kin (特邀樂手Guest performer)



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