《音樂.盛宴——馬義善、龍綺欣、龍志恆 鋼琴音樂會》
Musicians, dancers, actors, and all associated with the arts throughout the world are facing huge challenges as the coronavirus pandemic invades into every aspect of our lives. In the past months at the Academia, we have striven to adapt and be resilient. Our teachers have remained dedicated to guiding their students’ music learning with cutting-edge apps, video lessons and recording platforms. Our students, with their parents’ support, have continued to work incredibly hard and overcome difficult circumstances. Today, as performing arts events in Macao are slowly but surely coming to life again, we are proud to present this A Musical Feast series of concerts featuring three of our teachers and some of our best students. For performers and audience alike, there is nothing more special than the magic of live performance, and we thank all who have contributed to make this series a success at such very short notice.
Academia de Música S. Pio X
感言 Message from the Performers
疫情結束,百廢待興。切似乎都沒變,一切又好像都在變,但值得確信的是,作為音樂演奏者,潛藏在內心深處對於舞台的熱愛在這段時間只增不減。這段居家不出的日子,或許太過平淡,以至於讓我們總是想起第一次登台演出的時候,那種局促和不安、那般感動和欣喜。時至今日,歷歷在目。終於回來了,疫情導致的所有意外開始慢慢轉回正軌,離開舞台的表演者又可以回到舞台。所有的離別都是為了重逢,所有的等待都是為了熱愛。疫情後的第一次見面,我們想用現代作曲家Anderson and Roe的四手聯彈曲目,為大家帶來一次別開生面的音樂體驗,希望大家能從音樂中找尋自我,不忘初心。
12個月 作品74 查爾斯.瓦倫丹.阿爾坎 (1813-1888)
- 寒冬之夜
- 狂歡節
- 靜思
- 逾越節
- 小夜曲
- 在水上行走
- 盛夏之夜
- 收割者
- 獵人號角之聲
- 凄風苦雨
- 彌留之際
- 歌劇
練習曲 作品39第12首《伊索的盛宴》
龍綺欣及龍志恆演奏深受喜愛的經典作品,由美國鋼琴家Greg Anderson 及Elizabeth Joy Roe改編。
無言之歌 拉克曼尼諾夫 (1873-1943)
藍色多瑙河幻想曲 約翰.史特勞斯 (1825-1899)
劍舞 哈察都量 (1903-1978)
月光曲 德布西 (1862-1918)
搖籃曲 布拉姆斯 (1833-1897)
Igor Amaral plays the music of Charles-Valentin Alkan, one of the greatest composer-pianists in history.
Les Mois Op.74 (The Months) C. Alkan (1813-1888)
- Une nuit d'Hiver (A Winter’s Night)
- Carnaval (Carnival)
- La Retraite (Solitude)
- La Paque (Passover)
- La Sérénade (Serenade)
- Promenade sur l'eau (Walking on the Water)
- Une nuit d'Été (A Summer’s Night)
- Les Moissonneurs (The Harvesters)
- L'Hallali (Huntsman’s Bugle Call)
- Gros temps (Rough Weather)
- Le Mourant (The Last Breath)
- L'Opéra (Opera)
Étude Op.39 no.12 Le festin d’ Ésope (Aesop’s Banquet)
Cecilia Long and Ray Long play well-loved classics arranged for piano duet by Steinway Artists Greg Anderson and Elizabeth Joy Roe.
Vocalise Op.34 no.14 S. Rachmainoff (1873-1943)
Blue Danube Fantasy Johann Strauss II (1825-1899)
Clair de lune C. Debussy (1862-1918)
Sabre Dance A. Khachaturian (1903-1978)
Lullaby (Wiegenlied Op.49 no.4) J. Brahms (1833-1897)
演奏家簡介 Biographies
馬義善博士,出生於澳門,曾在聖庇護十世音樂學院接受音樂訓練,並於澳門演藝學院跟隨梁劍英教授學習。中學畢業後獲美國箂特州立大學奬學金,赴美隨梁以信博士學習,後再獲美國密歇根州立大學獎學金修讀鋼琴表演專業、鋼琴音樂教育雙碩士和鋼琴表演專業音樂藝術博士。主要師承著名駐校藝術家Panayis Lyras教授(范克箂本國際鋼琴比賽的獲勝者)、Derek Polischuk博士和Margarita Shevchenko教授(肖邦、利茲和克利夫蘭國際比賽的獲勝者)。馬義善目前也是國際知名鋼琴家Simone Dinnerstein(索尼音樂藝術家)為數不多的學生。其演奏足跡遍及北美、歐洲和亞洲,在多個著名音樂廳演奏,如Carnegie Hall、Ernst C. Stiefel Hall、Giles-Lefebvre Concert Hall、Teatro Jovellanos、The Hugh Lane、Wharton Center、廣州星海音樂廳、澳門文化中心等。他曾得多位國際著名音樂藝術家的指導,包括Edmund Battersby、Jonathan Biss、Vladimir Feltsman、Phillip Kawin、Alexander Korsantia、Yong Hi Moon、Susan Starr、唐哲和Ralph Votapek。
在學期間曾獲多個獎項及殊榮,如Irene Romanowski鋼琴音樂獎學金、英國皇家音樂學院DipABRSM高級演奏文憑、大學校長頒發卓越表彰等,並獲澳門基金會、澳門教育暨青年局、澳門文化局的資助及澳門高等教育局的碩士研究生獎學金,以及博士研究生獎學金完成學業。同時,在鋼琴音樂教學方面,馬義善積極鑽研,累積多年教學經驗。他曾是美國密歇根州立大學社區音樂學院鋼琴系導師,並在美國Interlochen藝術中心擔任教職。此外,他多次獲美國音樂教師協會和密歇根音樂教師協會邀請舉辦大師班及演講。目前他在聖庇護十世音樂學院和澳門理工學院任教。
Dr. Igor Amaral, a native of Macao, studied at the Academia de Música S. Pio X and the Macao Conservatory with Prof. Luong Kim Ying. He graduated from the Wright State University as a scholarship student of Dr. Jackson Leung. While being awarded the prestigious music scholarship, Igor received Doctoral of Musical Arts in Piano Performance and holds two Master of Music degrees in Piano Performance and Piano Pedagogy from Michigan State University, where his main teachers were the winner of the Van Cliburn Competition Prof. and Artist in Resident Panayis Lyras, Dr. Derek Polischuk and winner of the Chopin, Leeds and Cleveland International competitions Prof. Margarita Shevchenko. Igor is also currently one of the very few selected students of the international acclaimed Sony Artist Simone Dinnerstein.
Igor received numerous prizes and awards and his concert activities have taken him around the globe. He has performed extensively in North America, Europe and Asia including important concert halls such as Carnegie Hall, Ernst C. Stiefel Hall, Giles-Lefebvre Concert Hall, Teatro Jovellanos, The Hugh Lane, Wharton Center, Guangzhou Xinghai Concert Hall, Macao Cultural Center, etc. He has also worked with many internationally renowned artists, including Edmund Battersby, Jonathan Biss, Vladimir Feltsman, Phillip Kawin, Alexander Korsantia, Yong Hi Moon, Susan Starr, Zhe Tang, and Ralph Votapek.
He is the recipient of the Macao Foundation Sponsorship, Education and Youth Affairs Bureau Sponsorship, Macao Cultural Bureau Sponsorship, the Macao Tertiary Education Postgraduate Scholarship, Irene Romanowski Piano Music Scholarship and was also awarded Presidential Commendation for Excellence during his undergraduate years. He also holds the DipABRSM Performer's Diploma from the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music, England. Igor was part of the piano faculty at the Michigan State University Community Music School, and has held teaching position at Interlochen Center for the Arts. He has been invited to give masterclasses and presentations in Music Teachers National Association and Michigan Music Teachers Association. Currently he is faculty at Academia de Música S. Pio X and the Macao Polytechnic Institute.
龍氏常與諸多知名音樂家合作,其中包括著名指揮家余峰、廖國敏、Reed Thomas、Darrel Ang、小提琴家Robert Davidovic、張萬鈞、大提琴家Ronda Rider、圓號演奏家Geoff Colinson、二胡獨奏家蕭白鏞、黃安源等。龍氏亦熱衷於演奏澳門本地作曲家作品,其中包括委約林樂培創作鋼琴三重奏《東方之珠二》及獲邀於2012年在香港中文大學演出林品晶的鋼琴作品。龍氏亦參與演奏電影音樂,包括贏得多項國際電影獎項、由許鞍華執導的電影《桃姐》作鋼琴演奏,以及為另一部電影《浮城》之主題曲作音樂及幕前演出。
Cecilia Long is the winner of many prizes at the IBLA Grand Prize International Competition in Italy, and the Cultural Affairs Bureau Prize in the Macao Young Musician Competition. She majored in piano performance under Prof. Gabriel Kwok, with minor studies in conducting, fortepiano and composition. She is a Fellow of the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music, and of Trinity College London, as well as a doctoral candidate at the University of Bristol. She was awarded “Youth Incentives Plan – Stimulating Positive Energy” Outstanding Young Person of 2017 by the Macao Government.
Cecilia was a soloist with the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, the Australian SBS Youth Orchestra, the Macao Orchestra, the Macao Youth Symphony Orchestra, the Macau Youth Band and the Symphonic Cordiality HK. Her collaborations with various musicians include conductors Yu Feng, Lio Kuok Man, Reed Thomas, violinists Robert Davidovic, Lynn Chang, cellist Ronder Rider, horn soloist Geoff Colinson, and the erhu masters Xiao Bai-yong and Wang On-yuen. Several of her performances have been broadcasted on RTHK Radio 4. She has performed music in films, including the award-winning Hong Kong film ‘A Simple Life’ by Ann Hui and another local film ‘Floating City’. She also actively promotes the music of Macao composers, including commissioning a piano trio Oriental Pearl II by Doming Lam, and in 2012, she was invited to perform the piano music of Bun-ching Lam at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
In recent years Cecilia has been focusing on research in Macao’s musical and cultural development as well as the music instrumental training of children with Down syndrome. Published works include a chapter in Áureo Castro – A Musical Portrait (2015). She is also the vice-editor of the ‘Macao Piano Music Research Project’ and ‘Chinese Folk and Ethnic Culture and Arts Collections – Macao Volume’ led by Professor Ding-Cheng Dai. She currently teaches at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, the Academia de Música S. Pio X and the Macao Polytechnic Institute, and is regularly invited to be an adjudicator in the annual Hong Kong International Piano Invitation Competition, Macao International Arts Competition and the Macao-Asia Pacific Youth Piano Competition.
龍氏早於2003年奪得澳門青年音樂比賽《最具潛質獎》,其後兼讀香港演藝學院,師承鍵盤系主任郭嘉特教授。龍氏於2015年以一級榮譽畢業於英國皇家音樂學院音樂(榮譽)學士學位,並於2017及2018年以優異等級取得該院音樂演奏碩士學位及歐洲最高學歷之演奏家文憑,師隨著名女鋼琴家Ruth Nye(已故著名鋼琴家Claudio Arrau之門生)及Nigel Clayton。在學期間龍氏榮獲澳門文化局、澳門基金會、香港演藝學院及英國皇家音樂學院頒發獎學金,並先後獲頒為「英國皇家音樂學院學者」、「裘槎基金會香港學者」、「波蘭斯基學者」及「英國聖三一音樂學院院士」。
Renowned young pianist Ray Long is a prizewinner in many international competitions including the First Prize in London Grand Prize Virtuoso Piano Competition, the Second Prize and the Brighton Youth Orchestra Trust Discretionary Awards of the Brighton and Hove Performing Arts Festival in the United Kingdom, the ‘Most Distinguished Performer’ Awards in the IBLA Grand Prize International Competition in Italy, the Third Prize in the 2nd Thailand Mozart International Competition and the Second Prize in the 71st Germany Steinway & Sons International Youth Piano Competition.
Ray was awarded the ‘Most Talented Performer Prize’ in the 21st Macao Young Musician Competition in 2003, and thereafter entered the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Junior Programme to study with Prof. Gabriel Kwok, with scholarships from the Macao Cultural Affairs Bureau, the Macao Foundation of the Macao SAR and the Academy.
His music studies continued at the Royal College of Music, London where he gained the Bachelor (Honours) degree with first class honours, and later the Master of Performance degree with distinction in 2017 and the highest Artist Diploma in 2018. His teachers include Prof. Ruth Nye (who was a student of the famous Claudio Arrau) and Prof. Nigel Clayton. During his studies, he was an RCM Scholar, Polonski Scholar, Croucher Foundation Hong Kong Scholar, recipient of the Else and Leonard Cross Award, and Fellow of the Trinity College of Music, London.
Ray has been invited to perform at various music festivals such as the 17th Macao Arts Festival and the 29th Macao International Music Festival, and in major cities of China and Europe, with some of his performances globally broadcasted on the Internet. He was also soloist with the Brighton Youth Orchestra, the RCM Classical Orchestra and the Macao Youth Symphony Orchestra. As a teacher at the Academia de Música S. Pio X, he is invited to be an adjudicator in the annual Hong Kong International Piano Invitation Competition and the Macao International Arts Competition.
鳴謝 Acknowledgements
文化局 Instituto Cultural do Governo da R.A.E.M
東方基金會 Fundação Oriente
崗頂劇院業主會 Associação dos Proprietários do Teatro Dom Pedro V
通利琴行 Tom Lee Music