節目表 Programme
講者Lecturer 林敏柔 Margaret Lynn
澳門旋律Macau Melody — 夏里柯Harry Ore (1885-1972)
林敏柔 Margaret Lynn
澳門景色 Cenas de Macau — 區師達 Áureo Castro (1917-1993)
- 喚起 Evocação
- 塔樓禪聲 Oração Budista
- 龍舟競賽 Barcos Dragões
Catarina Amaral
舅舅組曲 Uncle's Suite (1960) — 林樂培 Doming Lam
中國民歌七首 Seven Chinese Folk Songs (1962)
古曲新譯 《春江花月夜》 Gu-chu “Moonlight Over Spring River” (rev.1971)
龍綺欣 Long I Ian, Cecilia
三小品 Three Tiny Bits — 林品晶Bun-Ching Lam
春卷 Spring Roll
蝴蝶 Butterfly
林品晶 Bun-Ching Lam
梅雨怪的一天 Monster of the Monsoon — 李慧芬 Lei Vai Fan
《教我如何不想她》中國情懷第一樂章 “Thoughts of Longing” from Image of China
施諾桐 Si Nok Tong, Adrian
黎道茵 Esther Li
夏里柯 (1885-1972) 是立陶宛裔鋼琴家和作曲家,自1920年代開始在東南亞生活,直至在香港去世。他在聖彼得堡音樂學院,師隨林姆斯基.高沙可夫的兩位著名弟子,即維托爾 (Joseph Withol 1863-1948) 和利亞多夫(Anatol Liadov 1820-1868) 學習作曲。他也很有可能曾在德國師隨 Gottfried Galston (1879-1950) 和 Oskar Holzapfel 學習鋼琴。他熱衷旅行,曾在哈爾濱、上海、香港、馬來西亞、新加坡、菲律賓、廣州、澳門等多地居住;在香港時,經常到澳門和廣州教學和舉行演奏會;香港日治時期 (1941年12月至1945年8月) 他住在澳門,期間寫了一些鋼琴樂曲。
區師達神父(1917-1993)自1960年至1993年直到離世期間,這三十多年中被公認為澳門最超卓的音樂家,對澳門音樂發展有深遠的影響。區神父生於葡萄牙亞速爾群島碧谷島,十四歲來澳進入聖若瑟修院學習,1943年晉升為司鐸。除了赴里斯本國立音樂學院深造的七年(1951-1958),一直居於澳門,畢生為教會工作及推廣音樂貢獻他的力量。1959年成立「複音合唱團」, 三年後創辦「聖庇護十世音樂學院」。1983年創立的「澳門室樂團」(即現今「澳門樂團」前身),區神父是主要創辦人之一。 1990年區神父榮獲澳門政府頒授文化功績勳章。
林樂培香港大學前任駐校作曲家及兩屆最佳正統音樂CASH金帆獎得主。1926 年生於澳門,在加拿大及美國研習音樂。1964-94年間活躍於香港和澳門音樂界,在作曲、教學、指揮、製作電台及電視音樂節目上都有成就,把香港引進國際樂壇的開路先鋒。作品在國際40多個城市發表過,對後起之秀能產生啟發作用。2001年之高庫音樂全書(New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians) 有他的詳盡介紹,香港大學音樂圖書館收藏他的全部作品。
林品晶的音樂,獲《紐約時報》及《三藩市紀事報》分別讚譽為「誘人而兼具異國情調」及「令人醉心著迷」。她曾獲美國作曲家樂團、新澤西交響樂團、香港中樂團、澳門樂團、美國室樂協會、CrossSound 藝術節、Bang On a Can 藝術節、Sequitur、Continuum、Ursula Oppens 以及 Arditti 弦樂四重奏等委約創作,並曾與新澤西交響樂團合作,擔任Music Alive!的駐團作曲家。她的作品曾獲CRI、Tzadik、Nimbus、Koch International等唱片公司所出版。林品晶生於澳門,先於澳門研習鋼琴,隨後再於香港及美國進修音樂。她曾取得香港中文大學鋼琴演奏文學士,以及聖地牙哥加州大學作曲博士學位。她曾於西雅團的康沃爾藝術學院教學,亦曾於耶魯大學音樂學院及本寧頓學院擔任客席教授。
李慧芬是澳門土生土長之作曲家、鋼琴家。畢業於香港浸會大學音樂文學碩士及台灣師範大學音樂系,自幼在聖庇護十世音樂學院學習鋼琴,師從楊秀君老師。其音樂創作富本土特色,2014年出版其著作《在靜水之邊》,以文字紀錄其創作故事及生命分享。曾發行「非常澳門」、「靜安寺路192號6樓」及「影落此城」創作專輯。重要演出作品包括2007年《觸動》李慧芬多媒體鋼琴創作音樂會、2008年《澳門街》電影配樂、2012年澳門藝術節《譜世.頌》、2013年文學舞蹈劇場《影落此城》、2015年《我城故事》音樂劇歌曲創作及2017年舞蹈劇場《離下班還早——車衣記》音樂創作及演奏。 2008年為聖庇護十世音樂學院四十五週年慶典音樂會委約作品《如歌》、2011年《梅雨怪》繪本音樂及2015年音樂劇《嘩嘩狂想曲》,均獲廣泛迴響,備受好評。現任聖庇護十世音樂學院鋼琴及作曲老師、澳門理工學院藝術高等學校兼任講師。
Harry Ore (1885-1972) was a composer and pianist of Lithuanian descent born in St Petersburg and lived in Southeast Asia from the 1920s until his death in Hong Kong. He studied composition at the St Petersburg Conservatory. An avid traveller, Ore lived in countless different places including Harbin, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, Canton and Macao. While living in Hong Kong, he visited Macao and Canton regularly to teach and give recitals. Later, during the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong (December 1941-August 1945), Ore chose to live in Macao where he wrote some of his works for piano.
Fr Áureo Castro (1917-1993), born on the island of Pico in the Azores, came to Macao at the age of 14 to attend the St Joseph Seminary where he received his early musical training, and was ordained in 1943. Except for 7 years of composition studies at the Lisbon National Conservatory of Music (1951-1958), he remained in Macao, dedicating his life to the church and the promotion of music. In 1959 he created the Grupo Coral Polifónico and founded the Academia de Música S. Pio X in 1962, remaining its Director until his death. He was the key figure in promoting concerts and music activities in Macao from the 1960s to the 1980s, including the founding of the Macau Chamber Orchestra in 1983, (forerunner of today’s Macao Orchestra). Fr Áureo was awarded the Medal of Cultural Merit in 1990.
Doming Lam, winner of two Gold Seal Awards for the Best Serious Music, was born in Macao in 1926. He studied music in Canada and the United States and is acknowledged as the pioneer to lead Hong Kong into the music circles of the world. During 1964-1994 he worked in Hong Kong and Macau, contributing extensively in the areas of composing, conducting, teaching, and producing music programmes for radio and television. Maestro Lam’s music has been performed over 40 cities around the world. The 2001 New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians includes a detailed biography on Maestro Lam. The music library in the University of Hong Kong holds a collection of his entire musical output.
Bun-Ching Lam’s music, described as “alluringly exotic” (The New York Times), has been performed worldwide. She has received commissions from the American Composers Orchestra, New Jersey Symphony Orchestra, Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, Macao Orchestra, Chamber Music America, CrossSound Festival, Bang On a Can Festival, Sequitur, Continuum, Ursula Oppens and the Arditti String Quartet. She also served as the Music Alive! Composer-in-Residence with the New Jersey Symphony Orchestra and as Composer-in-Residence of the Macao Orchestra. Her work has been recorded on CRI, Tzadik, Nimbus, and Koch International. Born in Macao where she began her piano studies, she went on to study music in Hong Kong and the US. She holds a BA degree in Piano Performance from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and a PhD in Music Composition from the University of California at San Diego. She has taught at Cornish College of the Arts in Seattle, and served as Visiting Professor at the Yale University School of Music and at Bennington College.
Lei Vai Fan was born and grew up in Macao, learning the piano with Ms Yeong Sau Kwan at the Academia de Música de S. Pio X. She received her BFA degree in Music from National Taiwan Normal University and her MMus degree from Hong Kong Baptist University. In her book “Beside Still Waters” (2014) she shares her feelings about creating music and her life story. Her music is full of local colour, and she has launched three albums of her own compositions: Macau Sensation, Jing An Si Road No.192 6th Floor and Here She Dances. Major performance works include Inspirations Evonne Lei's Multimedia Piano Concert (2007); music for film Rua de Macao (2008); Ode to the World (2012) for the Macao Arts Festival; Literature Dancing Theatre Here She Dances (2013); musical drama Stories of My City (2015) and Dance Theatre Ready to Wear (2017). Music especially composed for the students of the Academia include Ode to Music (2008); Picture Book Concert Monster of the Monsoon (2011) and Musical Wa Wa Rhapsody (2015). All her works and performances have attracted critical acclaim. She now teaches piano and composition at the Academia, and is also a part-time lecturer at the Macao Polytechnic Institute School of Arts.