



主持 Presenter
林敏柔 Margaret Lynn



《和我一起玩好嗎?》(1999)  —  楊光奇
鋼 琴:
第一及第二樂章 鄭心研   張善美
第三樂章    區愷恩   羅俊哲


三首鋼琴小品 (2018) [聖庇護十世音樂學院五十五週年慶典委約作品]   —  林品晶
鋼 琴:梁     睿


額我略聖樂曲三首 (1956)  —  區師達
鋼 琴:Igor Amaral*


田園詩《澳門的回憶》(1983)   —  史釗域 邦拿
鋼 琴:陳峻霆


D小調鋼琴四重奏 (2018)   —   施諾行
鋼 琴:施諾行  小提琴:鄭心研
中提琴:蔡耀峰*   大提琴:洪思敏*


士官與舞女的圓舞夢》(2018)  —  黃昊泓
鋼 琴:施諾行   小提琴1:朱穎國*   小提琴2:鄭心研
大提琴:洪思敏*    長 笛  :楊斯佳*   法國號  :吳佩意*





“Voulez vous jouer avec moi?”  (1999)   —   Njo Kong Kie 
(“Would you like to play with me?”)     
  Allegretto Elegante
  Allegro Vivo
1st & 2nd movt Cheang Sam In, Esther Cheong Sin Mei
3rd movt      Au Hoi Ian, Rainbow  Lo Chon Chit, Jeff


Three Little Pieces (2018)  —  Bun-Ching Lam
[Academia de Música S. Pio X 55th anniversary commission]
  Playing the Shuttlecock
  Flying a Kite
  Listening to the Rain
piano:Leong Ioi, Marisa


Três Corais – melodias gregorianas (1956)   —   Áureo Castro
  Jesus dulcis memoria
  Victimae Paschali Laudes
piano:Igor Amaral*


Idilio “Memories of Macau” (1983)   —   Stuart Bonner
Nocturno “Along the Praia Grande” (1983)
piano:Chan Chon Teng


Piano Quartet in D Minor (2018) — Si Nok Hang, Aidan
piano:Si Nok Hang, Aidan  violin:Cheang Sam In, Esther
viola :Choi Io Fong*     cello :Hong Si Man*


 “Dream of the Sergeant and the Dancer” (2018)   —  Wong Hou Wang, Cannan
piano:Si Nok Hang, Aidan      violin 1:Chu Weng Kuok*
violin 2:Cheang Sam In, Esther    cello:Hong Si Man*
flute:Yang Si Jia*         French horn:Ng Pui I*

*guest player




楊光奇 :  和我一起玩好嗎?

楊光奇是一名野餐及乒乓球愛好者,亦致力於歌劇、舞蹈和舞台配樂創作。其中華語音樂劇場時先生與他的情人》 ( 黃庭熾-文本)乃首部登上加拿大國家劇院英文劇場的非英語演出。而墓所事事》自2013以來,曾到過十多個城市巡演。 楊光奇曾任蒙特利爾現代舞團 La La La Human Steps 音樂總監多年。其原創作品亦曾出現在荷蘭舞蹈劇場、Ballet National de L’Opera du Rhin、Hubbard Street Dance Chicago、新加玻舞蹈劇場、澳門藝術節、香港藝術節等舞台上。他也為紀錄片和互聯網短篇連續劇創作配樂。楊光奇早年就讀於聖庇護十世音樂學院,師承區師達神父、楊秀君及林敏柔等多位老師。





林品晶 :  三首小曲(2018)


林品晶曾獲多個獎項,包括羅馬大獎、上海國際作曲家比賽的最高獎項、兩個NEA的獎學金,以及美國藝術和文學學會、Guggenheim基金會及紐約藝術基金的獎學金。她曾獲美國作曲家樂團、新澤西交響樂團、香港中樂團、澳門樂團、美國室樂協會、CrossSound 藝術節、Bang On a Can 藝術節、Sequitur、Continuum、Ursula Oppens 以及 Arditti 弦樂四重奏等委約創作,並曾與新澤西交響樂團合作,擔任Music Alive!的駐團作曲家。她的作品曾獲CRI、Tzadik、Nimbus、Koch International等唱片公司所出版,現經常穿梭於巴黎及紐約的居所。



林品晶受聖庇護十世音樂學院委託創作,為其五十五週年慶典而寫的《三首小曲》,由三個樂章所組成 :《踢毽》、《放風箏》及《聽雨》。第一、二首樂曲和我兒時常玩的遊戲有關。第一首樂曲中,三個人在踢毽,他們各由一個音代表。毽子在三人之間傳來傳去,像有一條條幻想出來的線,音樂以「非常連奏」地彈出。有些時候,球手會將毽子反彈多次,由重覆的跳音表示之。《放風箏》是一首滑奏練習曲,用滑的動作來進行急速的音級,初學琴時不會常遇到的。《聽雨》是一首關於即興的練習,以及訓練彈奏者判斷和弦進行和旋律線之間的距離。我希望這三首樂曲能用在教學上,也能讓人樂在其中。


區師達額我略聖樂曲三首 (1956)


區神父作為教師、音樂教育家、合唱團指揮的成就已是毋庸置疑的,但他在世時,作曲的才華並未充份為人所知。他創作了超過140首作品,其中以聖樂為主。他十分熱衷於額我略聖歌及文藝復興複音音樂,更對中國五聲音階及葛利果聖歌調式之間的相似性有著濃厚興趣。區神父在里斯本上和聲第一堂課時,帶著一本額我略聖歌,率直地詢問老師如何能為聖歌譜上和聲,他的老師僅回應他應該在課程學習完畢後,再問此問題。後來區神父將這問題的答案,在他1956年創作的鋼琴獨奏作品《額我略聖樂曲三首》之中顯明表現出來。這三首作品《思念耶穌總覺甘飴》、《亞肋路亞》及《請向逾越節的犧牲獻上頌讚》豐富地交織著微妙的內在線條及調式和聲, 同時保留了聖歌的簡樸與美麗。


史釗・邦那 :  田園詩《澳門的回憶》(1983) 及 夜曲《漫步南灣》(1983)

史釗域邦那 (Stuart Bonner) 1947年生於倫敦,於倫敦聖三一音樂學院學習,1974年9月到香港,任教於聖佐治中學 (1974-1978) 及南島中學 (1978-1981)。1981年移居澳門,於聖庇護十世音樂學院任教,並與澳門文化學會合作 (1983年1月 至1984年7月),1984年回到香港,翌年返回英國。田園詩《澳門的回憶》及 夜曲《漫步南灣》都是他在聖庇護十世音樂學院任教時創作的鋼琴作品,充滿優雅浪漫色彩。


施諾行 :  D小調鋼琴四重奏  (2018)

施諾行十四歲,就讀陳瑞祺永援中學初中二年級。2009年考入聖庇護十世音樂學院,師從李慧芬老師,現為鋼琴高階二及作曲新體驗二年級學生,考獲英國皇家音樂學院鋼琴八級。除此之外,亦有學習揚琴及結他,同時亦是澳門播道會傳福堂少年主日崇拜司琴。今次能有幸在《傳承‧音樂》創作發表會發表個人創作,感到十分高興,會繼續努力學習,望能創作出更多樂曲,榮耀上帝。施諾行今年在鋼琴方面有卓越表現,在多個比賽中獲獎,其中在第二十屆桑塔・塞西利亞國際鋼琴比賽澳門區預選賽中獲金獎。作品《D小調鋼琴四重奏 》傾向浪漫,樂曲以弦樂開始,再加入鋼琴帶出主題。


黃昊泓 :  士官與舞女的圓舞夢  (2018) 






Biographies and Programme Notes


Ngo Kong Kie :  “Voulez vous jouer avec moi ?” (1999)

A picnic and ping pong enthusiast, Kong Kie enjoys composing for dance, opera and theatre. His Mandarin music theatre work Mr. Shi and His Lover (text by Wong Teng-chi) is the first-ever non-English language presentation at Canada’s National Arts Centre English Theatre. His concert-theatre work Picnic in the Cemetery has been presented in a dozen cities since 2013. Long-serving music director of contemporary dance company La La La Human Steps from Montreal, Kong Kie’s music has been heard on the stages of the Nederlands Dans Theater, Ballet National de L’Opera du Rhin, Hubbard Street Dance Chicago, Singapore Dance Theatre, the Macau and the Hong Kong Arts Festivals. His works can be heard on documentaries and web series of CBC. Kong Kie studied at the Academia de Música São Pio X with Fr Áureo Castro, Ms Ieong Sao Kuan and Dr Margaret Lynn among others.

About this work, Ngo Kong Kie writes:
“Voulez vous jouer avec moi ?” is composed in the spirit of 18th century European classical music. It is a sonata for two pianos inspired by and modelled on Mozart’s works in general, but in particular the Sonata in D major for two pianos K.448 and the piano sonata in A major K.331 which includes the popular Turkish March.  The French title is a nod to the fact that Mozart’s other famous piano work, the variations K.265, set to the theme of what is now commonly known as “Twinkle, Twinkle Little star” actually has a French title, named for the folk song “Ah, vous dirai-je, Maman”.Voulez vous jouer avec moi ?” translating as “Would you like to play with me?”, points to the nature of playfulness and joy of making music together. It is a remembrance of our childhood – a time of making friends and discovering the wonder of the world through games and music-making is indeed a very fun game that can be had by all. Enjoy then, friends!


Bun-ching Lam :  Three Little Pieces (2018)

Described as “alluringly exotic” (The New York Times), and “hauntingly attractive” (San Francisco Chronicle), the music of Bun-Ching Lam has been performed worldwide. Her numerous awards and accolades include the Rome Prize, the highest Award at the Shanghai International Composers’ Competition, two NEA grants, fellowships from the American Academy of Arts and Letters, Guggenheim Foundation and the New York Foundation for the Arts. She has received commissions from the American Composers Orchestra, New Jersey Symphony Orchestra, Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, Macau Orchestra, Chamber Music America, CrossSound Festival, Bang On a Can Festival, Sequitur, Continuum, Ursula Oppens and the Arditti String Quartet. She also served as the Music Alive! Composer-in-Residence with the New Jersey Symphony Orchestra and as Composer-in-Residence of the Macao Orchestra. Her work has been recorded on CRI, Tzadik, Nimbus, and Koch International. Born in Macao, she began her piano studies in her native city, then further pursued her music education in Hong Kong and the United States. She holds a BA degree in Piano Performance from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and a PhD in Music Composition from the University of California at San Diego. She has taught at Cornish College of the Arts in Seattle, and served as Visiting Professor at the Yale University School of Music and at Bennington College. She now divides her time between Paris and New York.

About this work, Bun-ching Lam writes:
Commissioned by the Academia de Música S. Pio X to celebrate its 55th anniversary, Three Little Pieces consists of three movements – Playing the Shuttlecock, Flying a Kite and Listening to the Rain. The first two pieces relate to the games that children used to play when I was growing up. In the first one, three people are playing the shuttlecock, each represented by one note. The shuttlecock is passed around among the players with an imaginary line, played “molto legato”. At times the player would bounce the shuttlecock several times, as indicated by the staccato repeated notes. Flying a Kite is an exercise on glissando, something children are not allowed to do too often. Listening to the Rain is an exercise on improvisation, also on gauging the distances between the chord progression and the melodic line. I hope these pieces would serve some pedagogical functions, as well as being fun to play.


Áureo Castro :  Três Corais – melodias gregorianas (1956)

Fr Áureo Castro was born on the island of Pico in the Azores in 1917 and came to Macao at the age of 14 to attend the St Joseph Seminary where he received his early musical training. Ordained in 1943, his ecclesiastical duties included chaplain of the Cathedral, director of O Clarim, and parish priest of St Lawrence Church.  He also taught at the Infante Dom Henrique Secondary School and the Pedro Nolasco Commercial School. Except for 7 years of studies at the Lisbon National Conservatory of Music (1951-1958), he remained in Macao, dedicating his life to the church and the promotion of music.  In 1959 he created the Grupo Coral Polifónico and founded the Academia de Música S. Pio X in 1962, remaining its Director until his death in January 1993. He was the key figure in promoting concerts and music activities in Macau from the 1960s to the 1980s, including the founding of the Macau Chamber Orchestra in 1983, (forerunner of today’s Macao Orchestra). The Academia received the Medal of Cultural Merit in 1987 and Fr Áureo himself was awarded the Medal of Cultural Merit in 1990.

The full extent of Fr Áureo’s talent as a composer, however, was not properly discovered until after his death. His output included over 140 compositions, most of which are sacred works. He was keenly interested in Gregorian Chant and Renaissance polyphonic music, and apparently on his first day of classes at the National Conservatory in Lisbon, Fr. Áureo took a volume of Gregorian Chant with him and asked his teacher how he could harmonise the chants.  His teacher replied simply that Fr Áureo should study and complete the course first before asking the question again.  That Fr Áureo obviously found the answer to his own question is evident in his Três Corais – melodias gregorianas for piano.  The three chants – Jesus dulcis memoria, Alleluia, and Victimae Paschali Laudes – retain the simplicity and beauty of the chant within a rich tapestry of subtle inner lines and modal harmonization.


Stuart Bonner :  Idilio “Memories of Macau” and Nocturno “Along the Praia Grande” (1983)

Stuart Bonner was born in London in 1947 and studied at Trinity College of Music, London. He came to Hong Kong in 1974, teaching music at St George’s Secondary School (1974-1978) and South Island School (1978-1981). He then spent 3 years in Macao as a lecturer at the Academia de Música S. Pio X (1981-1984) and also worked with the Instituto Cultural de Macau.  In 1984 he returned to Hong Kong and a year later to England. These two piano works, penned whilst he was teaching at the Academia, are romantic works tinged with nostalgia and elegance.


Si Nok Hang, Aidan :  Piano Quartet in D Minor (2018)

14-year old Si Nok Hang is a Form 2 student at Chan Sui Ki Perpetual Help College. He entered the Academia de Música S. Pio X in 2009 studying with Ms Lei Vai Fan, and is at present a Higher Level II student in Piano, as well as in his second year of studies in the Composition New Horizons course. He also learns the yangqin and the guitar.

He is the pianist of “Youth Sunday Worship” of “ Macao Gospel Evangelical free Church - Chun Fok Tong”. He has excelled in his piano playing this year, and will be competing in the finals of a piano competition to be held in Japan at the end of July.


Wong Hou Wang, Cannan :  Dream of the Sergeant and the Dancer” (2018)

A Form 5 student at Pui Ching Middle School, Wong Hou Wang is at Higher Level III in piano studies and in his second year of Composition New Horizons course at the Academia de Música S. Pio X with Ms Lei Vai Fan. He also plays the violin, guitar, electric bass and jazz drums. He enjoys improvising, and his keen interest in jazz, electronic music and modern musical styles has influenced this particular composition.

About this work, Wong Hou Wang writes:
The main setting of the piece is about the story between the sergeant, who must participate in the military for the country, and the dancer, who waits for her love to return. A compound rhythm is chosen for the main waltz theme. The theme describes the dancer’s elegant but melancholic dance with the developing melody, which is emphasized by the flute playing it. Another important part in the music is a section which depicts the war. The rhythm of the section accelerates and becomes clearer. Also, the violin plays the theme here, and constructs a thick harmony with the horn and piano. Please pay attention to a few unique sections between these two main parts as well, and enjoy the story between the two characters!


鳴 謝Acknowledgements

林敏柔博士 Margaret Lynn
Igor Amaral
蔡耀峰 Choi Io Fong
洪思敏 Hong Si Man
朱穎國 Chu Weng Kuok
楊斯佳 Yang Si Jia
吳佩意 Ng Pui I





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