Director′s Message

Director′s Message

In 1962 the Academia de Música São Pio X – Macau′s first formal music institution – was founded by Fr. Áureo Castro. Early resources were severely limited, but the determination and perseverance of Fr. Áureo, the dedication of his teachers, and support from the Catholic Diocese of Macau and the Macau Government have come together to create a strong foundation on which the Academia has flourished.

Today the Academia continues to build on the legacy of Fr. Áureo and has adopted the Chinese motto「以樂載道,以德惟馨」(‘Let Music be the Path to Truth, Let Virtue be the Source of Grace’) which refers to the cultivation of universal virtues that are the basis for the development of a meaningful life.  It is the aim of the Academia to help its students develop to the best of their ability in music and to support their intellectual, social and personal growth.

Since its foundation the Academia has trained many of Macau′s young musical talents. Our graduates have received awards and honours both in Macau and abroad, and many are actively contributing to the enrichment of Macau′s cultural life.  In 2022 we will be celebrating our 60th anniversary, a high water mark of which will be the relocation of the Academia to a new location, currently in preparation.  This will provide considerably enhanced facilities for both students and teachers.  The Academia is indebted to all, past and present, who have contributed to our development and, in return, we will follow the precepts of our motto in our effort to continue that development.


Basilla Sam Weng Io