
Established in 1962 by Fr Áureo Castro, the Academia de Música S. Pio X was the first institution providing systematic musical training to the young people in Macau. With the passing of Fr Áureo in 1993, Fr Lancelote Rodrigues became the new Director and he later invited the Hong Kong musician, Dr Margaret Lynn, to be the Music Consultant of the Academia. The Academia expanded its premises in 1975, and then moved to its present Rua da Santa Clara premises in 1995. Fr Lancelote led the Academia until June 2013, and Fr Cónego João Evangelista Lau was appointed to take over the directorship. The Academia continues to receive the support of the Diocese of Macau and the Macau SAR Government. Its importance in fostering musical talent and enriching the cultural life of Macau was well recognized by the Macau Government which twice awarded Fr Áureo and the Academia the Medal of Cultural Merit.


Fr Áureo Castro
Fr Áureo Castro
Audiçāo final do 1° ano Escolar da Academia de Música Sāo Pio X ano Lectivo 1962 - 1963
Student concert in the Rua Formosa old auditorium in the 60s

The Academia stresses music and arts education as an integral part of holistic education.  Learning music will improve a child’s ability to think, reason, create, and express; and develop coordination, self-esteem and social skills.  The achievements of graduates of the Academia bear testimony to the influence of their musical studies: not only do a high number of students go on to tertiary music studies in conservatories or universities in Beijing, Taipei, Macau, Hong Kong, Australia, Canada, USA and Portugal; many who choose to pursue professional careers in medicine, science, law etc continue to have a serious love for music.

Since its establishment in 1962, the college has cultivated countless local music talents.
Teachers and students perform at the college's 45th anniversary celebration concert

The strength of the Academia system lies in its emphasis on an all-round musical training of a very high standard, as envisaged originally by Fr Áureo. The Music Consultant, Dr Margaret Lynn, advises on curriculum, planning of new courses, musical activities and concerts that are of particular benefit to the student’s music learning.  In addition to instrumental and theoretical studies, there are many opportunities for students to perform in both solo and ensemble music. Visiting artists are invited to give masterclasses, lectures, workshops, concerts, as well as the judging of internal music competitions. Recent artists have included distinguished piano pedagogue Prof. Eleanor Wong and Chopin International Piano Competition winner Colleen Lee.  Students have achieved outstanding results in examinations conducted by international music exam boards and in the Macau Youth Music Competitions, gaining awards such as the prize for the competitor with the most musical potential and the Cultural Affairs Bureau Grand Prize. 

The Academia looks forward with eager anticipation to furthering its contribution to the cultural aspirations of Macau.