Guidelines for Adverse Weather

Typhoons and Rainstorms

1.1 Lesson arrangements when rainstorm warning signal is issued:

Sign and Level

Time of Issuance

Education Stage / Type


Infant, Primary



Lessons as usual

Red or Black

06:30 – 09:00

Lessons are suspended in the morning*

11:40 – 14:00

Lessons are suspended in the afternoon

(*Note: Lessons in the morning refer to those before 13:00)

1.2 Lesson arrangements when tropical cyclone signal is issued:

Sign and Level

Time of Issuance

Education Stage / Type


Infant, Primary

T1, T3


Lessons as usual

T8 or above

At or after 06:30

Lessons are suspended all day

1.3   If the above signals are removed two hours before class, lessons will be held as usual. However, if the rainstorm warning or tropical cyclone signal is removed in less than two hours from the closing time of school, all lessons will be suspended.

1.4   If during a semester, due to adverse weather conditions, lessons are suspended more than once on the same weekday, make-up lessons will be arranged as follows: one make-up lesson for two suspended lessons, two make-up lessons for three suspended lessons, and so on.

1.5   If red/black rainstorm warning or typhoon signal T8 is issued during lesson time, staff will still be available to look after students who are already in the Academia. Parents do not need to rush to fetch their children from the Academia (except when it is tropical cyclone signal T8 or above).

1.6   If a storm surge warning is issued, parents should consider whether the journey to and from the Academia would be affected by flooding. Students should avoid passing through low-lying areas. The Academia may announce suspension of lessons depending on the situation.

1.7   Parents should decide whether their children attend classes or not depending on the weather and safety issues. Students who are absent due to weather conditions will be regarded as reasonable absence, but lessons missed cannot be made up.

1.8   Lessons cancelled due to bad weather and force majeure (such as natural disasters, strikes, flooding, etc.) will not be compensated. The Academia reserves the right to have the final decision on all matters pertaining to the above regulations.